Announcement: Good morning all! Last semester was...something, all right. Over break I was going to work on my story, but I had to give my hand a rest since it started hurting. Probably due to my Major dealing with Art and my Minor dealing with writing, so I pretty much non-stop used it over the semester. Please remember to properly stretch your hands! Do not be like me! This semester I will be taking mostly writing classes, including one dealing solely with Fiction. I’ve debated with myself and decided to wait on updating the book until after this class. This is because the class is— of course— extremely heavy with writing, and I will learn more about the process and techniques that make up good storytelling. I want to just focus right now, that way when I come back and continue the book it can be with confidence and quality. Surprise updates are not off the table. Sometimes I get the impulsive urge to write a couple chapters. With this in mind I will not be putting the book on an official Hiatus. I hope that things in your life are going okay. I know online schooling and work is extremely stressful, as is time management. If you feel upset at something you failed to do, just remember: Your failures do not define you or your worth. That is decided by you and you alone. Thank you very much! :)

@Rationally_Illogical Take care. I wanted to fail some stuff so that I can try be good at something else but not now.