
Yall, i'm so sorry for not posting a new chapter. I am a band kid and with many others. After school, responsibility is so I won't be able to post a lot anymore on wattpad for a while. Whenever I get like a week off of school or like 3 days off. Then I'll be thinking of new ideas in the meantime. Hope you all stay safe, and I'll update the story in a few days or weeks. I'm not sure yet, but if you'll come up with ideas, please comment them I would love to hear what should happen next @Bakery2007


Yall, i'm so sorry for not posting a new chapter. I am a band kid and with many others. After school, responsibility is so I won't be able to post a lot anymore on wattpad for a while. Whenever I get like a week off of school or like 3 days off. Then I'll be thinking of new ideas in the meantime. Hope you all stay safe, and I'll update the story in a few days or weeks. I'm not sure yet, but if you'll come up with ideas, please comment them I would love to hear what should happen next @Bakery2007


So right now, I'm not gonna be posting for a while even though I said I was going to put some of the weekends. It's just like a little bit occupied.
          Así que ahora mismo no voy a publicar durante un tiempo, aunque dije que iba a publicar algunos fines de semana Es como un poco ocupada


I was wondering if i should do a smut part for muinezu story
          Me preguntaba si debería hacer un papel obsceno para la historia de muinezu


I have been call to give a answer and the answer is not right now save it later 


I know i had said that i would continue writing a zenikana fanfic but right now my interest is in "The owl house" its a show that was or is on Disney so i wanted to write a fanfic about lunter i hope that you guys will understand stand but i am also on break from school so i can post daily for this week and the two following 
          Monday: Zenikana fanfics 
          Tuesdays:Lunter fanfics 
          Wednesday: Zenikana fanfics 
          Thursday : Lunter 
          Friday :Zenikana 
          Saturday : lunter 
          Sunday: zenikana
          Sé que había dicho que continuaría escribiendo un fanfic de zenikana, pero ahora mismo mi interés está en "The owl house", es un programa que estaba o está en Disney, así que quería escribir un fanfic sobre Lunter, espero que lo entiendan. estar de pie, pero también estoy en un descanso de la escuela, así que puedo publicar todos los días durante esta semana y las dos siguientes Lunes: fanfics de Zenikana Martes: Lunter fanfics Miércoles: fanfics de Zenikana Jueves: Lunter Viernes: Zenikana sábado: lunter Domingo: zenikana


Sorry for those who have waited for new chapters to come out. I have been caught up in school work and my relationship with my bf and my friendships. today I will be updating the stories and try to post new chapters frequently./Lo siento por los que han esperado a que salieran nuevos capítulos. He estado atrapado en el trabajo escolar y mi relación con mi novia y mis amistades. hoy estaré actualizando las historias y trataré de publicar nuevos capítulos con frecuencia.


I will be taking a break from yellow flowers and the story new mission for a while to keep writing the story on faithful. So there will be no update for those two stories for 2 days and then I'll continue posting new chapters. Because of school and bc I'm also setting up to go to Comic-Con with my best friend. / Me tomaré un descanso de las flores amarillas y la nueva misión de la historia por un tiempo para seguir escribiendo la historia Infiel. Así que no habrá actualización de esas dos historias durante 2 días y luego seguiré publicando nuevos capítulos. Debido a la escuela y antes de Cristo, también me estoy preparando para ir a Comic-Con con mi mejor amigo.