I'm so sorry guys. I know that I said I was already working on chapter 15 of Those Red Eyes, but the truth is I have no motivation at all to finish it. I'm not driven to write for this story any more, and in all honesty, the more I think about Those Red Eyes... the more I hate it. Even though it is nowhere near as bad as my earlier stories, it still lacks organisation and planning. I hadn't even thought of the whole Distortion World thing until I had nearly finished writing it for god's sake! While it pains me to do so, I think I'm going to leave it. I'm not going to force myself to finish writing something that offers me no stimulation what-so-ever. Maybe sometime in the future I'll find a way to end the story, but for now I'm going to leave it. I apologise to all those people who have waited patiently for me to update for so long but have received nothing in return. I'm so sorry.