
Check out my new intro for Into the Light


In the process of making chapter 52 for Into the Light. Be appreciated if you gave my story plenty of votes. Nothing I'll ever make will be perfect, and I firmly believe that perfection is the enemy of good.
          But I'm gonna keep delivering incredible chapters for all you amazing fans to enjoy. ༼つ ◕-◕ ༽つ


I'm going to try to keep this announcement as to the point as I can.
          For five years, Team Fortress 2 has been infested by cheaters and bots that have rotted away at the game. In 2022, the TF2 community got around with the #SaveTF2 movement, and Valve despite acknowledging the issue, hasn't given the bare minimum to fix the game to make it playable for us.
          But we haven't given up yet. We've started a new movement, not to just save TF2, but to fix TF2. I have left a link to a petition for you guys to sign. It would be greatly appreciated if your contribution is added to our cause.


Hey guys, I got some new stories I wanna announce.
          First thing is that I got a Girls' Frontline themed story coming soon called All Quiet on the Girls' Frontline. I hope you guys will enjoy it. Another story is an Azur Lane themed story called Across the Seas.
          As you guys know, I plan on completely revamping Ascend From Darkness, so stayed tuned for that. Alongside Ascend From Darkness, I also got Into the Light ZERØ as well From the Depths coming soon.
          If you guys wanna pitch ideas or be a part of the writing, feel free to talk to me on my Instagram.
          And I cannot stress this enough, but PLEASE, vote on every chapter that I publish on my stories so I can keep continue making them.
          Peace out! ༼つ ◕-◕ ༽つ


Now I'm sure as many of you might not be aware of, but Wattpad is removing private message. What really baffles me is that there's no explanation from Wattpad as to why they're doing this.
          That being said, if you guys still wanna talk to me, I've updated the website on my Wattpad profile to include a link to my Instagram. So be sure to follow me on Instagram.


@RaveDoggTV Oh, you have Instagram as well? Please let me follow you. What's your insta?