
this message may be offensive
a little something ive been thinking about... for a story (even tho i have to many that i havent continued)
          	"We have to go back and get him! We can't leave him there!" I looked towards him and held my hand out in front of him as he tried to make his way over to the lift.
          	"And get ourselves killed at the same time? No thanks! Look, I have specific instructions to keep you guys safe and not let you go back there?! And we know he never breaks his promises!"
          	Who the fuck am I trying to convince here? Those guys have guns! No way is he going to survive that-
          	We all glanced over at the lift, the indicator at the top showing that it was moving up. We all watched as it reached its final destination.
          	It was like something from a horror film. 
          	The doors parted slowly, and the lights, we couldn't see anything apart from two glowing golden eyes in the dark, peering at us.
          	"What the fuck is that?!"
          	"Will you shut up, Robin!"
          	"But Dustin! What is that?"
          	so yeah... im sorry im terrible when it comes to updates but i promise i will try harder...


this message may be offensive
a little something ive been thinking about... for a story (even tho i have to many that i havent continued)
          "We have to go back and get him! We can't leave him there!" I looked towards him and held my hand out in front of him as he tried to make his way over to the lift.
          "And get ourselves killed at the same time? No thanks! Look, I have specific instructions to keep you guys safe and not let you go back there?! And we know he never breaks his promises!"
          Who the fuck am I trying to convince here? Those guys have guns! No way is he going to survive that-
          We all glanced over at the lift, the indicator at the top showing that it was moving up. We all watched as it reached its final destination.
          It was like something from a horror film. 
          The doors parted slowly, and the lights, we couldn't see anything apart from two glowing golden eyes in the dark, peering at us.
          "What the fuck is that?!"
          "Will you shut up, Robin!"
          "But Dustin! What is that?"
          so yeah... im sorry im terrible when it comes to updates but i promise i will try harder...


The second part of The first encounter will hopefully come out soon! so please stick around for it! Also please comment and tell me your opinions or if there is anything I got wrong! It'll be really appreciated! Love you loads!
          Also, thinking of changing my profile


Thank you so much for voting on 'Vkook One Shot' book!! Means a lot!! Love you...Stay safe☺️❤️


@jeon_tae_jeon no worries lovely! Keep up the good work!!


I really like your books! Pls update soon. I want to read more of your stupendous work!


@Raven2559  you're welcome! It's okay take your time Unnie!


@fity24 thanks bubba.... I'm trying my best to over come block as well as other things but thank you!