
For a while now been thinking of making a.... I guess part 2/book 2 of my twilight gif/one shot storybook....
          	Or at some  point fix a few things in the first one.... for obvious reasons.....1. the spelling errors ,2. Remove and possible some images from one my stories for obvious reasons... one actor has been real unsavory or unsafe to be around at all..... That type of person I don't want anything to do with them..... Until I can find a proper picture replacement  I will leave it blank....
          	Enough of that... If I'd do a part 2.... what characters should I do or should I continue.... some of the other on shots stories? If so which one?


For a while now been thinking of making a.... I guess part 2/book 2 of my twilight gif/one shot storybook....
          Or at some  point fix a few things in the first one.... for obvious reasons.....1. the spelling errors ,2. Remove and possible some images from one my stories for obvious reasons... one actor has been real unsavory or unsafe to be around at all..... That type of person I don't want anything to do with them..... Until I can find a proper picture replacement  I will leave it blank....
          Enough of that... If I'd do a part 2.... what characters should I do or should I continue.... some of the other on shots stories? If so which one?


I have a interest in writing another that involves kiss and the Scooby doo gang,cause I'm rewatching Scooby Doo and kiss rock and roll mystery on Max... and it got my mind going......but I'm like I have other stories I need to do....


A couple mintues ago i got a message, saying one of my story's have been removed due to break a policy rule,  the story in question is the Ciel Phantamhive one. 
          Technically it says i  can appeal it if i wanted to....but i dont want to....all that hard work down the drain....i wont give up on the story.....its just going to  posted some where else.


Also I can’t even get access to the policy link they provided in the message  


I'm Looking for some help, im mainly looking  for a horror story. It was based on a horror movie.
          It was based on an old fashioned town that based in a modern world,  where modern met Old fashioned.  where the town believed in eating  human flesh  kept them alive and young......
          Maybe if  i find out the name  of the horror movie  i might find my story....
          if any of you  find out please message me  :)


I think  i might take a small break from writing my Twilight Imagine/Gifs book.  there's a few that im stuck on , funny enough there is one  i can finish.
          Im looking for some new idea's , either try leaving them here or message them to me with  ' Idea's 2' otherwise i might accidently  delete it :D


As i was looking through some of my stories....i realized something...
          Ome story just didn't take to me any more......
          A wwe love story....if anyone is looking to do a wwe love story.... Please message me....
          You can take the story as long you credit the original author :)


nm im just going to delete  the book


Is there a reason why your asking about this?


I know i got like 29 stories in the make and a few under draft....but when my brain  starts pumping i just have to think and write stuff down.....once a few of my books  are finished  a new one WILL come out  along a few  continuation!~


When  i was growing up i was taught to be nice to others and to get respect back  you got to show it yourself. What ticks me off the most is that grown @ss people come on here to read and when they see   something they dont like they go  and go bully...what are you people ? 2 years old?  Would you like it  if  it happend to you? i certainly wouldn't.     DDLG isn't the only  'weird' subject out there..... and me and a few others arent the only  ones  who  write  Sh*it like that, if you got nothing nice to say dont say anything or READ it at all.    There are somethings i dont understand fully  doesnt mean i go bully for it!


I haven't completely  given up on my 28 stories, but at the moment i am  concentrating  on 2  of my stories...both are kinda new.
          Twilight Imgines/Gifs and TVD  X M!Reader| Insta\Story. These  two will get quiet a few chapters before any others are done, Then i will start to work on the others.
          Some of the stories that i have been writing over the years have been getting writers block, so i'm looking for some ideas on what to do. Not all stories are based on shows or movie plots........some of them are following the plots made for them.
          Any ideas on ANY stories will be taken from you reader/writers, any ideas plese message me or comment underneath this :)