
Today my mother and I went to get a nice cold drink at Sonic. When we pulled up I ordered my usual Ocean Water and the Carhop lady and said, "What Ocean?" And mom said "Somewhere exotic, the Caribbean." And when she came back with our drinks with a side of Groovy fries. I saw there was a message written on the lid saying, "Somewhere exotic :)"   We need more of these kind of people! #kindness


Today my mother and I went to get a nice cold drink at Sonic. When we pulled up I ordered my usual Ocean Water and the Carhop lady and said, "What Ocean?" And mom said "Somewhere exotic, the Caribbean." And when she came back with our drinks with a side of Groovy fries. I saw there was a message written on the lid saying, "Somewhere exotic :)"   We need more of these kind of people! #kindness


Just hit 4k on my story Infinity (Race to Witch Mountain). Thank you everyone who has read and I never thought this story would get this much reads since my other RTWM fiction that I wrote disappeared. Thanks again and I am looking forward to continuing the story in my sequel Infinity II: Evermore!  Also want to thank those who enjoys my Little vampire story Eternal 18.7 is crazy! Thanks again!


Anybody hate when the Wifi acts up? (Currently dealing with this right now)


@RavenC_Simpsonizer I hate it so much. Especially when it makes your phone go glitchy 


What story do you think I should update,?
          Infinity II: Evermore  (Race to Witch Mountain fanfic)
          The Nutcracker story 
          The Vampire Diaries fanfic 


@heatherstafford55 Am working on the next chapter right now. Been dealing with a lot of wifi trouble and writers block


When you think you lost your Bluetooth earbuds but then you realize they were in your ears the whole time. 


@RavenC_Simpsonizer done that before lol or looked for them in your bag thinking you've left them at home but they've been in your bag the whole time yes also me lol 