
So Congrats to @IsolatedDrake and @Demented_Delights ! I'll choose one of your requests and make a lil one shot ;)


Hey how are you, I hope your doing well!! I was just wondering if you have discontinued “until the last petal falls [sakazuki x reader]? If not do know when the next chapter will be out? sorry, I hope I’m not being rude, all love ❤️ Just a really big fan of the story!!


@Jesi537 Hi! ^-^ I haven't been active on this site for a while, so I guess all my fics here can be considered On Hiatus. I do mean to return eventually, but who knows what the future will bring.


Holy crap! When did I hit 500 followers?! What happened when I wasn't looking?!
          Thank you guys! I can't believe anyone is still here after my haituses. I feel like I should do something? How about some more requests? Put A character and scenario you'd like me to do and I'll pick 2 or 3 that pique my interest (if there is even that many asks).
          Cheers to all of you! <3<3


@CrazyPretzelGirl Awww these are both really cute ideas! I'll pick one and add it to the list  <3


@RavenRunning Makino trying to teach the little ASL trio how to make cookies or Reader and Ace have crazy prank wars


          A chapter of Until the Last Petal Falls for you, my lovelies!
          I know it's been like... a year? idk time isn't real. But I'm still here (kinda) and I'm still writing (kinda)!


Hey I was just wondering if Heaven’s Tears was discontinued or on hiatus or something? It’s my favorite book of yours so far (although I do adore all of them) and I just love your writing!! I don’t mean to pressure you or anything, I’m just curious <3


@RavenRunning that’s totally fine ofc, but yeah! Your fics are so creative and your writings just amazing lol


@SleepyPhroggie Hey :) i am generally THE slowest updater in the world, so in my mind Heaven's Tears is still ongoing. But it isn't my main priority at the moment, so I wouldn't expect updates anytime soon. I suppose it could be labelled as on hiatus then... I'm happy to hear that you like my fics though <3.


Ahoy world!
          It's been a while, I know. It's been a struggle too. I know you want updates on my ongoing stories, but all I've got right now is an idea (posted in my Misc Ideas book) about a Reader character and a Charlotte (not sure which one yet, feel free to leave suggestions!)
          Hope to be back on here soon.


@Demented_Delights Oven is an interesting suggestion! I'll put him on the prospective list :) Thanks for the support <3


@RavenRunning I don't see a lot of Charlotte Oven stories, so he's my first suggestion. Otherwise the two usuals: Katakuri or Cracker. 
            And there's nothing wrong with getting ideas out of your head, sometimes that's what's needed before you can work on other ongoing projects. Your stories, your rules.