I am sad bean. Also mad bean.
So at my house I have to take care of the trash every Friday. I often forget and occasionally end up waiting an entire week before I actually remember. (Therefore two weeks worth of trash to throw out.) My parents both remind me at the WORST times. Usually when I'm on my computer. So I say I'll do it later or ignore it. Now I can understand them giving me some of a punishment (Which is what this is about.) since I avoid it so much. But these d*cks, are making me clean the entire bathroom, because I forgot a job that takes ten minutes. Most people would say that's not so bad. But it is when your family doesn't do much cleaning and the last time that bathroom was cleaned, had to be a year+ ago. It took me TWO HOURS to clean JUST the bathtub. And I still have to do a damn sink, floor and toilet. I also had to clean the drain of the bathtub (Gross even tho I have shorter hair now.) I do wonder if I am over reacting tho, so if you can say it kindly, comment if I'm over reacting? I also feel better now that I wrote this down.