
Quote of the day-
          	Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
          	-Albert Einstine


Thanks for following Shiki, I hope you get a chance to read Loreless. Happy reading!


@PJWhittlesea you did? sorry I forgot I mentioned that was even there :3 no one seems to check that out so....anyways I'll check your songs. Is it on youtube?


I got your pet name from your profile description and assumed that what was what you wanted to be called : ) If you go to some of the other works I've published you'll find some lyric collections. I've made lyric videos for most of them so you can hear the music as well. Happy listening!


@PJWhittlesea don't forget to inform me ;) I always like fresh music! oh and btw that pet name you gave me 'Shiki', the one I know personally call me by that. So I had to double check your profile in hope that you are one of my friends hehe