Wattpad won’t let me post an announcement that’s too long, so I’ll try to condense it.
I believe I mentioned my friends and I winning a regional award for a science competition that goes across Canada and the States. Well, as of Thursday, we’ve officially won a 1st place national award! (It’s divided though, so only 1st place in my age category.)
I’m sorry if this comes off as braggy, but I don’t flaunt to ppl irl.
They’re flying us out to D.C for the awards ceremony and I’ll be there for a few days. Apparently I might be on national television, but I’m not totally sure about that.
However, according to my research, this is the biggest science competition in the world, and the fact that I actually won is just so surreal to me.
Thank you for all your support! I will try to update soon, but I think you know why I’ve been busy.
Raven <3