@Raventsunami Hey there. I know I went MIA for a while, but I opened my notifications today and saw this. I wanted you to know that I love you and that you're exactly where you're supposed to be right now. You're absolutely perfect the way you are, and you're amazing for pushing through.
You can do so much! You're a phenomenal writer and artist, and you're such a wonderful person. You were one of my very first friends here, and I've forever been grateful for the smiles you gave me. Your personality is the best, and you're just amazing.
Don't worry about whether you're unathletic or not, you don't have to push yourself so hard. Please don't beat yourself up about it, it hurts my heart to see this post because I think you're wonderful.
You're not useless. Please believe me. You've already done so much that I can only hope to do, and I love checking your art book every so often to see what you've posted. Like I said, you have a beautiful personality and I'm positive that you're just as beautiful of a human being.
I'm so sorry that you've been feeling so badly and I wish I could do more than just write this post, but again, just please know that I'll always love and appreciate you, and you're never useless. You're perfect how you are, and you are doing the best you can, which is all any of us can do. Motivation will come in its own time :)
Please stay safe <3 <3