
In case you haven't noticed, I haven't used this in a long ass time. 
          	I think it's going to stay like that. it's been months since I've even thought about this. Might check in occasionally.
          	Peace out motherfuckers! (In the most endearing way)


In case you haven't noticed, I haven't used this in a long ass time. 
          I think it's going to stay like that. it's been months since I've even thought about this. Might check in occasionally.
          Peace out motherfuckers! (In the most endearing way)


I'm getting way too into the one shot I posted yesterday in the logicallity book. I've plotted out an entire bigger story, a backstory, what happens after. I'm living in this world. I want to share all my thoughts on it. Is this what it feels like to have creativity?