I’m me, your you let’s keep it that way shall we?

Ha. Hi My name is Aerika. It’s pronounced like Erica, just spelled different.. cause I’m cool like that? Pshh yeah right.

I’m 14 & Living the dream. I’m on here to read & to write. So far I only have one book, but barley anyone has read it.. soo if you want to read a book with twist and turns , I’m pretty sure youd love this books, it’s called 'My So Called Crazy Life Known As High School.'

My favorite band are:
Mayday Parade
Skrillex <3
The Downtown Fiction (TDF)
Never Shout Never
A Rocket to the Moon
The Maine
We Butter the bread with butter
Black Veil Brides
Andy Sixx <--- my friend kissed him haha

Im here to write books and to read them. ( i think i already said that..?) If you want me to read your books just message me. Thanks and FAN ME!!(: and read my book!(:
  • wherevr u r, just dont look behind u &we wont have a problem
  • RegistriertFebruary 12, 2012

Letzte Nachricht
RawrAerikaRawr RawrAerikaRawr Mar 30, 2012 03:20AM
Thanks!(: And your welcome!(:
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