
I don’t update my stories, although I might change them from x readers to mafia Stories


this message may be offensive
I’m gonna let my frustration out on here because if I told my parents they’d get mad but I’m bisexual and I haven’t told them yet and they keep pressuring me about school and other things, it’s like they think I have 10 hands or I’m incredibly smart and have to be the perfect successful child like my sister. And not to long ago I got yelled at because my hair was a mess. I had to cancel a fucking sleepover with my friend because I was trying hard enough in school. And I cried today and I fucking smiled and I feel broken and I wasn’t to fucking cut myself that’s how much pain happening to me rn and honestly sometimes I just wanna did see what it feels like. And then tomorrow I’m gonna wake up and be a walking failure in my own house all over again. And I know I shouldn’t rant about my problems without seeing my own mistakes in the things I’m doing but honestly I’m fucking tired of this shit and I want to fucking end it.


Hey besties I took a much needed break and now I have 2 weeks of since it’s spring break I think. My writings improved and I’ve learned to add more detail 
          Into my stories making it longer and interesting. Second chapter of Heart fireflies is out!