Interesting Girl....In a regular world.....probably somewhere being inspired to write! Check out my work! Visit me on Facebook @Rayne Ryan
  • Somewhere Writing
  • InscritJune 25, 2016

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RayneR25 RayneR25 Jul 25, 2016 06:01AM
The characters in my head just won't let me live here I come
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Histoires par RayneR25
Wrong Time, Right Heart par RayneR25
Wrong Time, Right Heart
Safiyya Kamari Cole was in a league of his own. With his father's Dominican blood flowing through his veins...
Eternity par RayneR25
Poem of love...Read it...Share for it.... I'm free styling this too :)
ranking #21 dans la catégorie loveandhope Voir tous les classements
Off the Market par RayneR25
Off the Market
A poem simply about love
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