I really enjoy your books and I totally ship Jisbon OTP for life♡♡♡♡
Can you write a continuous story that starts off where there mentalist ended at in season 7 where they start their own Jane Family? ♡♡♡♡
L♥VE YOUR eager reader★
Okay so guys I'm gonna do a total aesthetic change posting wise because I feel like my mind isn't where it was two years ago and I think about totally different stuff. If anyone wants to continue any of my unfurnished stories pm me.
Don't worry I won't delete stuff that's not cool
Hey everyone!!! My little sister just joined watt pad! her username is @Frazzel_McDazzel
Please follow and message her and give her a WARM WELCOME TO WATTPAD! Thanks!!
@StarryCastiel I'm sorry that your m banned you from your lacrosse team that really stinks. My friend went to the rock and roll hall of fame and I really want to go.