I've heard people say that black lives matter, I've also heard that white lives matter, mostly by kids at school and the media outlets. But the overall outcome of the matter is that ALL lives matter. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, yellow, or even purple, you matter. You could have brunette hair, black hair, blonde hair, red hair, gray hair, silver hair, or some exotically colored hair and you'd still matter.
You'd still be a unique individual with your own personality, quirks, and qualities that deserve to be loved and respected. What I'm trying to say is that you could have any skin tone, hair color, eye color, and genetic makeup and you would still be an important person in your own way. God made you a unique, individual person, everybody is important no matter what color skin they have and people should never forget that. I forgot that at one point in my life and I was miserable, looking back on it now three years later, I wish I hadn't forgotten it. After being through everything that I've been through, I am still a fighter, I am still a strong-willed person and I'll never stop and neither should you. You are a strong-willed fighter too, even if you don't know it yet or don't want to know it or don't want to hear it.
Everybody is important, everybody deserves a voice, everybody deserves a chance to live in a racist-free environment, a safe environment. Everybody deserves a chance to be heard and respected. You could be as diverse and as different as humanly possible and you would still be important. You are beautiful inside and out and don't you ever let anyone tell you different. Don't you ever let anyone get you down, keep fighting and maybe one day, long after we're gone and buried six feet deep, our children and their children and grandchildren won't have to experience what we did.
You matter.