
Just got done shopping for MY BIRTHDAY!!!! Loving my clothes n the food!! YUMMY =)


Yo Read for adding I'm a Cyborg's Pet on your reading list . It's very reassuring when someone who has been on Wattpad for such a long time, and really knows their way around has a look at our book. 
           Any away Hope you enjoy the book. It's good to know people like you are out there.
          We hug you with an intensity known only for the religiously inspired RK+Reb


thanks for the reads!


Thanks cicrelad  for putting  I'm a Cyborg's Pet on to your reading list. OK I think I'm sounding a little creepy there, but as new authors always get a buzz every time someone finds our work.
           Hugs RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener Nope not creepy at all That was the 1st story I have read from you guys and got me hooked so I also read The Cyborg's Daughter, Gravity+The War for the Red planet, Slave to the Vampire Blood Lord and I haven't started The Skype Girl, yet, but it's on my to-do list...You guys are amazing and it's cool you guys always give out thanks to your readers, so Thank you for writing


We are so thankful cicrelad for your  lovely and may we say well button pressed votes on  Slave to the Vampire Blood Lord We hug you with an intensity known only for the religiously inspired 
          ps. All hail the New Mechanical Order. :)


Thnx cicrelad for your  incredible and divine support for The Cyborg's Daughter. We send many ninjas to break in and hug you for us 
          ps. Love the profile pic


@The-Scrivener Love The Cyborg's Daughter, the story and Destiny, she's amazing❤.. I'll be eagerly waiting for the ninjas Thank you