
Created another book, I don't know why I never finish what I've started. I always wait til the 5th chapter and If i have less than 20 views, than Y bother to finish my book? @Follows and @ProfileStalkers 
          	Pass it on - Don't care How?
          	Working on -> 'I thought life was rainbows'
          	Starting on -> 'Always Under cover'
          	Still go check on -> 'Minor Reset' and 'My not so Typical Life'
          	Don't bother your time on -> 'Middle School Mystery'
          	Never to late to Vote and Read! 
          	TY 4 UR time!


Created another book, I don't know why I never finish what I've started. I always wait til the 5th chapter and If i have less than 20 views, than Y bother to finish my book? @Follows and @ProfileStalkers 
          Pass it on - Don't care How?
          Working on -> 'I thought life was rainbows'
          Starting on -> 'Always Under cover'
          Still go check on -> 'Minor Reset' and 'My not so Typical Life'
          Don't bother your time on -> 'Middle School Mystery'
          Never to late to Vote and Read! 
          TY 4 UR time!


->AYE READ MY BOOK 'I Thought Life Was Rainbows' (Weird Title, but I wanted to name it how I wanted :P) Oh and magic word abracadabra! Ta-da! Hope you enjoy xD
          Pass it on - Don't care How :S
          I Have alot of characters left, should I spam? No I ♥ U 2 much :)
          Read, please :) Thank you for your time!


Started my book 'Minor Reset' like 2days ago, I haven't really updated it and not sure if i should. If no ones going to read it, why should I finish it? So Ty for that one or 3people that read it :) and I'mma delete it by next month, bc i dnt like keeping books I haven't finished :S