
Weather or not you are familiar with the sound; you know what it is immediately as you hear it. It’s the sound of a bone being smashed. In the next moment a man with the waist of a tiger and back of a bear walks through the doorway nearest you. There’s an axe as wide as his chest being skillfully held in a single hand while his other arm wipes something off his forehead. The man is covered in blood.
          He catches sight of you and calls out in a loud voice, “Little Miss Fan! My Master wanted to thank you for your contribution. Even if it was simply adding her story, you’ve given her strength! What you have done will spur her forward to creating more. Maybe, someday, I will get my own story as well. Until than you can just call me the handsomest king, Ben Wang.” He nods. Having said his part he no longer feels the need to linger and, with large strides, walks off. 
          Whatever had happened behind the door was left to rot. Who knows who or what that man had done in. Or what was left.
          ~Mik, author of "The Deceased God's Spirit World Miss" and the spin off, "Hidden Schemes" +more


@Mikki-Senpai haha, thank u! >< I think you've already added spirit world miss! This is one of the characters from that story


@Mikki-Senpai wow this message is beautifully made, I'll totally check your stories out