
Hello fans, or should I say followers...I don't why they changed it and I seriously haven't been on in FOREVER. I am sorry for not updating I refuse to be your mate, but I think I am going to re-write it, take it down for awhile and try all over again because I forgot the whole plot to it, my characters are messed up and URRGH life right now is difficult. I've learned a few painful lessons these past couple weeks and I am not going to kid you, I am honestly real hurt by what I learned. Friends aren't always who they seem to be, family isn't always as supportive and school...well thats an old story of how bad or good it is.. I know it seems like I am a cry baby and half of you I am sure have not even read to this point but if you have thanks, you're a good fan (: Well, hopefully I get back on the writing horse (haha) and re-write this story and write it RIGHT. Thanks for sticking with me if you have, you're an amazing person if you have and don't let anyone tell you different. Have a great Sunday and let's rear up for another week. Bye(:


Hello fans, or should I say followers...I don't why they changed it and I seriously haven't been on in FOREVER. I am sorry for not updating I refuse to be your mate, but I think I am going to re-write it, take it down for awhile and try all over again because I forgot the whole plot to it, my characters are messed up and URRGH life right now is difficult. I've learned a few painful lessons these past couple weeks and I am not going to kid you, I am honestly real hurt by what I learned. Friends aren't always who they seem to be, family isn't always as supportive and school...well thats an old story of how bad or good it is.. I know it seems like I am a cry baby and half of you I am sure have not even read to this point but if you have thanks, you're a good fan (: Well, hopefully I get back on the writing horse (haha) and re-write this story and write it RIGHT. Thanks for sticking with me if you have, you're an amazing person if you have and don't let anyone tell you different. Have a great Sunday and let's rear up for another week. Bye(:


Hey der fans!!! Well, I am still debating on whether re-writing the prologue through chapter three or just leaving everything the way it is and finishing chapter 4. So I really! Really need ya'lls feedback! So please get back to me, I want to write a great story for ya'll to read. So please get back to be! Till Thursday (NO SCHOOL FALL BREAK!!!) me fans!!(: Lurv ya'll(:
                                                  -Angel :D


Hello der fans!!! I am so sorry about not updating "I refuse to be your mate". It's been like three weeks, -____- Sorry. It's just since I haven't got any feedback, I don't know how well the story is doing. So I am starting to re-edit it. Trying to make it funnier, and maybe making Katy...less weak? So I might post this Sunday, but prolouge-chapter 3 might be changed, if I find that I really don't like them. So tell me what you think? Re-edit or keep it the way it is? I'm counting on you all for the truth, so please just tell me what you think. 
                                                          ANGEL :D