
Hello. I'm Ashleigh Wilkes. I was a reader long before I became a writer. The books I read here left me frustrated and furious. Book after book, women were portrayed as timid, kind and shallow, willing to overlook humiliation, abuse and betrayal as long as these heinous male leads were hot and looked like "Greek Gods." I started writing to vent my frustration; I wanted to put to words what I believe: that women are strong and self-respecting and deserve fidelity and loyalty, that they are not weak, spineless caricatures that forgive so easily and take back their cheating exes so readily. My books were plagarised and I took a long break. This is a new account. I have two completed books, Karma, my first book, which I have rewritten, and my comeback book, I Still Love You, But. I am working on my current book, Paper Wife.
          Thank you for reading this.


Hi! I agree completely with you. Women in books are always so weak and forgiving. While I believe it is good to forgive because God forgives us our sins that doesn’t mean you have to continue being with a man who takes out all of his frustrations and anger on you! 
            Btw I checked your books and they look soo good! I have a hard time finding authors like you so do you have any recommendations for any other author who likes to write strong women?


Thank you for commenting on my book  I really appreciate them and sorry for minor mishaps while you're reading I haven't really edited the book. If you have any questions I'll gladly answer them as best as I can:-)


@ReaderLove193 no you're perfectly fine it's not you it's me lol I overthink alot


Your book is really good. I don’t really have questions. Sry if my comments seem weird


Hi there!! My name is Parzival :) 
          Basically- I have a story out. It’s called “The Special” And I was wondering if you’d mind checking it out when you’ve got the chance?? Any feedback/Criticism is very much appreciated! 
          Have a good day!! 


I just read the summary the book seems really good I will try and read it then give u my input have a nice day/night. 


Heyaa do u ship lihua with emperor hyeon?


Seriously why


Good for u then<3 
            I ship her with nobody lol