
Hello everyone. I know I have kind of disappeared and I had promised updates but didn’t post them.
          	So here is the thing I’m stuck on the next chapter. I have the two following the one I’m stuck in but can’t seem to find the right word to make the transition between the two. 
          	I will try my best to finish today or tomorrow and just post them, I appreciate all the comments and feedback you guys/ ladies give me as this is my first time ever writing and sharing a story. 


Hello everyone. I know I have kind of disappeared and I had promised updates but didn’t post them.
          So here is the thing I’m stuck on the next chapter. I have the two following the one I’m stuck in but can’t seem to find the right word to make the transition between the two. 
          I will try my best to finish today or tomorrow and just post them, I appreciate all the comments and feedback you guys/ ladies give me as this is my first time ever writing and sharing a story. 


Hey Is their a way you can make a lore page for those who don't know much about Beauty and the Beasts? 
           There is SO much Lore wise and I wanted to write a couple of Character Ai about certain characters but the basic lore is so incredibly spread out through the chapters and it's hard to put everything together when you're getting a ton of ads while reading.
          Like the basic tribes and how they work and the expectations of the males and the weird seasons they have etc.


Hello everyone,
          Sorry I have not been posting as much as I wanted. Many things going on. BUT I’m hoping on posting several chapters this weekend so stay alert.
          And I just want to say Thank you for reading my story  I hope you keep liking where this is headed. 


@ReaderWriterGreedy well its nice to see active authors too , we're happy you're at least updating us on the story and that we know you're gonna continue it  , most authors just leave the stories