
Hey guys! It's ReadingTime436 here. and unfortunately, the Daisy chapter will take a VERY LONG TIME as expected. so have a Christmas song. try to Imagine Sean singing this.


Hey Followers, If You Guys Love my Fanfic, Keep In Mind That, Each chapter Requires 1 or 2 months of Production as It contains 4000 words Each.(except for the first two chapters.) And There would be Three Endings, I will Add a Link On a Certain Chapter So You Can see the other Endings In The Story, but if you want to see the True ending instead, Continue the fanfic without clicking the links.(Feel Free to View All Of the Endings) The Fanfic will Most Likely have 20-22 Chapters as I Need Major Character Development for Jailey, It's Honestly Hard for Me To Add Jailey Without Going Terribly OOC.