
Any books for me to read??? :))


I would just like to say, thank you for the support with my novel <3 and if there is any time you need to talk. I am here. I myself have gone through storms and hurricanes and I know the phrase "It gets better" is such an annoyance, but sometimes you have a good days and sometimes you have bad. Its all about how you take it. 
          I'm only a message away. 
          Much love, 
          aka. Rhi x


@Reading_Loveit  It is my pleasure. I am grateful for everyone who takes the time to look at my works, I am blessed with such lovely people, as yourself, who understand the pain in the world that I can open worlds and show that we are not alone. 
            I hope, where ever you are in the world on this night/day. That you're being blessed and praised as the lovely human you are. 
            -Rhi x


Hi, I was just wondering if you'd be able to take a look at my books? I would really appreciate it, let others know too, if possible. 
          Thanks ( : 


Hey sorry I only just saw your message, I don't really go into my conversation section. And yeah why not I'll have a look and add some into my library 


          Hey sorry about the self promotion but do you mind maybe checking it out? And commenting your genuine thoughts on it?  I'm currently doing read for read so let me know :)


@drunkblues hey no problem I like checking out books. I'll add it to my story and when I read it and finish I'll comment my thoughts on it :)