
Thanks so much for reading, voting, and commenting! I really appreciate it and hope your enjoying the story. <3


@LirioBL Just finished Dice. Wow. Just wow. The story was like reading a movie plot or TV show. Everything was so clear to see in my head as I read. Character growth was fantastic, plot was fully formed and so well thought out. I'd pay a lot more than 99cents for this one. Thank you for sharing 


@LirioBL  I am. It's very different, really thought out. Luckily work was slow tonight 'cause I really had a hard time putting it down so far.


@DupliTwins oh I'll be through your works this weekend. I both love and loathe finding new worlds. You get so attached to a story and then your part in their world ends. You're left wondering how their lives go as you go find other characters, other adventures. It's so bittersweet. I'm not a creator like the Authors and Artists but I love having the chance to share their worlds. Thank you guys so much. 


@DupliTwins It was an interesting read for sure. I tend to speed read so things go by quick, quicker if it's a great read. And I read A LOT. Now that I've finished I'm kind of amazed at how much plot there was in the book without it feeling really heavy. So many themes were covered or at least touched on but they all felt fully formed (?). There are no dangly bits sticking in my mind like some some stories. TBH I've seen your books come up before in suggestions, so glad I finally clicked. Looking forward to what you post in the future.