
Ready for something I'm really proud of? Check it out,
          	This Family is Pretty Ok: MHA Fanfiction


          Not that I fully left. I've still been writing my butt off, but not here on Wattpad, but I figure it's a good time to return cause why not? Time to revisit my old stuff and EDIT AND REVISE. It's good practice you know? Not that I'm going to be consistent, but I'm editing Berd By War, Born To Love. Then hopefully get around to Afraid no Longer, and actually finish it. I've been wanting to for a bit.
          But I got something new comin'! MHA, don't have a title yet, but it's fanfiction and in its last stages!  It's only got one ark currently, but I have some ideas for some more. Just depends on if I can get around to it. Coming soon!


Ya, this is overdue.
          For the few that follow me, you've surely noticed my absence and that No Longer Afraid is on Hiatus.
          Welp, writer's block, simple as that. 
          Don't fret, I have no intention of abandoning it, and I intend on finishing it, I've only needed a break. But don't think that means I've been lounging around, PFFTT quite the contrary. I now have what I call "Break Books", which are exactly what they sound like. Just simple tales of fanfiction designed for fun, which I will eventually post.
          However, I have a rule now.
          I am not posting a book until it's done. D~o~n~e, so, there not going up for a while, especially due to the level of quality I've put myself too. But don't fret, again, I've committed to Afraid No Longer, and It will be completed before the others go up. When? Good question, but I'm already becoming refreshed enough to think about returning. So keep an eye out next year!


@Reafullmoon Break books? That's a cool idea


So, as many of you know, Bred by War Born to Love is getting a sequel. I've been working away at it with help from a friend and I got a good bit of it done, but the full thing won't come out until at least next month. I've really put all my focus on that book.
                    At who do podcasts reading fanfiction are going to be reading my book! And guess what? I'm joining them! Their actually my cousins and I'm visiting them soon. So, on (Most likely) July 26, the first chapter will be posted! But please note that I'll be on a VK for a while, and consistent updates to the book will start at the end of May.
                   Just to give you all something to hold you over, I'm going to talk a little bit about the book. It is a rewrite of the second Httyd movie, but don't worry, your not just going to be shoved into the background of scenes you've already seen! It'll follow you trying to let go of something you've refused to loosen your grip on, while a grave threat approaches. 
                    Also, some of you who added Bred by War, Born to Love might have noticed I updated the first and last chapter recently. That's because I've added a mystery, a mystery about someone. Who? Sorry, can't say. It's not very prevalent in the first book, but don't worry I'm going to give you plenty of hints in the sequel, and at the end of this book I want to hear what you guys think it is.
                   In other news, I want you all to know that a third and final book is confirmed! Yep, this will be a trilogy. And also, please add the book to your library when it comes out if you want to keep up with updates! As of right now Bred by War, Born to Love almost as 800 views! I can't thank ya'll enough!
          I hope to see you in, Live to Laugh, Afraid no Longer: Hiccup X Reader!


Ok but what the heck!!! Your books are absolutely amazing, and creative. I tried to find a HTTYD book that has a good and unique plot, and yours is definitely #1! I love your story, and can't wait for the sequel. You deserve so much more recognition!! ❤❤


@quackson_klaxon_  Oh my gosh I'm so flattered! Thank you that means so much to me!