
When my brother came out, he didn’t know what the word pansexual meant. He didn’t know that pansexual was what he meant when he sat my parents and I down and told us “I’m capable of falling in love with anyone.” Keep in mind, my brother came out in 2004 and passed away in 2011. My parents were confused. They said “do you like boys or do you like girls?” And he said “both and more.” And he told us “you need to prepare yourself for me coming home with someone I love, and them being anybody.” And so my parents did. They gave my brother three imaginary partners so that they could practice pronouns. Daniel used he/him pronouns, Cassandra used she/her pronouns, and Alex used they/them pronouns. And they would practice specific scenarios until it made sense and it was natural. “Ryder brought them to a movie.” “I caught Ryder kissing him in his room.” “Ryder went to prom with her.” I’m not saying that this works and it might not be okay with some people who are bisexual or pansexual, but it was something. It was something done by two parents of a boy who lived in Alabama in 2004. Please respect people‘s pronouns. Misgendering somebody on accident is okay, and when they correct you, fix it. But doing it on purpose is wrong and it’s gross. Please listen to people when they tell you their pronouns. Please respect them, because we’re all human. 


As an eight year old then, I thought it was the coolest thing for him to have imaginary people he dated because I had imaginary friends. He was. I wasn’t his sister biologically, but he accepted me and played such a big role in raising me. And he has such a cool story and I love being able to tell it after he’s gone because he is and always will be one of the biggest parts of mine. 


i really like the hypothetical partners as a way for people to practice using pronouns, that was a really good idea. i’m so sorry about your brother, he sounds like he was an amazing person


When my brother came out, he didn’t know what the word pansexual meant. He didn’t know that pansexual was what he meant when he sat my parents and I down and told us “I’m capable of falling in love with anyone.” Keep in mind, my brother came out in 2004 and passed away in 2011. My parents were confused. They said “do you like boys or do you like girls?” And he said “both and more.” And he told us “you need to prepare yourself for me coming home with someone I love, and them being anybody.” And so my parents did. They gave my brother three imaginary partners so that they could practice pronouns. Daniel used he/him pronouns, Cassandra used she/her pronouns, and Alex used they/them pronouns. And they would practice specific scenarios until it made sense and it was natural. “Ryder brought them to a movie.” “I caught Ryder kissing him in his room.” “Ryder went to prom with her.” I’m not saying that this works and it might not be okay with some people who are bisexual or pansexual, but it was something. It was something done by two parents of a boy who lived in Alabama in 2004. Please respect people‘s pronouns. Misgendering somebody on accident is okay, and when they correct you, fix it. But doing it on purpose is wrong and it’s gross. Please listen to people when they tell you their pronouns. Please respect them, because we’re all human. 


As an eight year old then, I thought it was the coolest thing for him to have imaginary people he dated because I had imaginary friends. He was. I wasn’t his sister biologically, but he accepted me and played such a big role in raising me. And he has such a cool story and I love being able to tell it after he’s gone because he is and always will be one of the biggest parts of mine. 


i really like the hypothetical partners as a way for people to practice using pronouns, that was a really good idea. i’m so sorry about your brother, he sounds like he was an amazing person


Ty and I got in a fight tonight. It’s been happening more often after the babies passed. This time it got so bad, we were both exchanging blows at each other’s deep, deep characters flaws. I have an incessant need for validation in my career I never got from parents and he struggles with separating his job from his home life. Well, worst came to worst and I told him to take what he needed and get out of my parents house. This man really went upstairs to pack a bag. So I sat in the floor in our kitchen, shameful. And he comes downstairs, slings the duffel bag onto his shoulder, picks me up off the floor, and slings me over his shoulder. And that’s not all. No, he grabs two of our Great Pyrenees, one in each arm, and walks out the door like a five year old on their way to their first day of Kindergarten. I do not deserve this man. However, I was extremely disappointed because he left one of our other pyrs inside.... guess we know who the favorites are. 


@ReaganBlue_Scott i think it would be good to at least try! if you don’t like it then you can always stop. and of course! i’m always here for you! thank you and i hope you guys are doing well, too❤️


@stilestastic Aw, I didn’t mean to scare you Ty came to me and said that we should try a couple’s session with the counselor I use and I guess I only said no because it scared me. I didn’t think much about it after I told him no but I think I should at least try it. Thank you so much❤️ I hope you are staying safe with everything that’s going on and taking care of yourself❤️❤️


i literally had a heart attack at the first sentence because i thought something terrible happened, but the rest of the message made me cry. i’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been fighting more often. have you considered maybe couple’s therapy or counseling to help you both with your grief? i know it’s not always an option because therapy can be expensive depending on insurance & such, but i wonder if that would help you guys. i wish you both the best always ❤️ 


Harry Styles and Florence Pugh in the same movie makes my year. But them eating lunch together? My whole decade, y’all. They both have such a unique style and I cannot wait to watch them on the big screen, because I know they vibe in real life. Two of the most unproblematic celebrities on the planet? Yes, please. 


New story out now! Criminal Minds, Derek Morgan. Features a very fiery Joey Jean Gideon, niece of THE Jason Gideon. Faceclaim for Joey is Naomi Scott, and she is Indian! Joey is a seasoned detective and is now a profiler. I am so excited, this has been a great way to stay busy and keep my spirits up. I love you all! 


Hello everyone. This is Ty, Reagan’s husband. Everything was going very smoothly up until about a half hour ago. Reagan started crashing while still trying to give birth to the first baby. They are doing an emergency cesarean section. Please be thinking of her and our babies as they operate on her. Reagan has several underlying health conditions that put her and the babies at risk with a c-section. Thank you everyone, and we love you. 


thinking about all of you!! i hope everything ends up ok, we love you too!! <33


hey luv! hope you’re doing okay, i haven’t heard from you in a while haha<3


@RB_Hammerfield-Scott no worries! i hope you’re ok! also you are gonna be a great mother! ❤️❤️


Awww!! That’s so sweet of you to check on me! I’ve been struggling, honestly. I’m super fat now and I’m 31 weeks pregnant and the babies could come any day now. Apparently, when you have triplets, you’re at an increased risk of having them prematurely. I’m working on updating my Bellamy story too. Also, my job is making me so sad. I’m a chemist and since I’m pregnant, I can’t be near the chemicals, and it’s been that way for awhile. I’m just tired of being out of the lab and working from home on the simulations and charts and stuff. I just miss being a nerd in the lab really. I’m so excited about your new story, the Bellarke oneshot one! I’ve been reading them and their good, but I forget the comment sometimes! I will try better because you deserve it. It’s so sweet of you to check on me, you’re so awesome! ❤️❤️❤️