I want to start by saying I owe everyone a big apology. If you're reading this, I'm surprised. I really would have thought everyone would have given up on me by now. I went inactive with no explanation, no update, and no reason. Let me explain. I've gotten bored of reading Michael Vey. This may come as a surprise to some. It has even come as a surprise to me. A year ago, I would have never imagined myself saying this. And I still love the series. But I've read it over and over so many times I've lost count. I read the same lines, the same words, hoping for something new. Hoping for a new story, a new adventure. But it's the same thing. And you can't read a series hundreds of times over and still enjoy it to the extent you did the first time, no matter how good the series is. Even if it's Michael Vey. When I sit down at my desk, my fingers aching, ready to touch the keyboard, I realize I have nothing to write, nothing to share. Stories always have a purpose. They're meant to spread a message, or a feeling between people. Stories can help us connect. But if you've got nothing to write, you shouldn't try to force out a story. Chances are it won't be very good and you won't be satisfied with your work. Again, I didn't think it would get to this point and I didn't think I'd be writing this. Thanks to all who have put up with me, and if you're reading this, you're a real one. I love and appreciate all of you, even if that's just a few people. As long as my work has made an impact on you and your life in even a very small way, I'm happy. I'm very sorry I didn't say anything. I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone what was going on. I'm sorry if I left you worried, upset or sad. I'm sorry for not being a very good creator. I hope this resolves any worries you had, or any thoughts or questions. Remember, you can only grow and change if you let yourself grow and change. You can only learn from failure if you first accept that you have failed. Have a great day/night Cookie

@melibug101 Thanks. Maybe sometime I'll try writing again. I appreciate your message :)

Dude you rock for actually reaching out, after a long time, were here for you, I literally am so glad you came out to us, and actually explained everything! Thank you, your such a good author so, like totally do your thing man, do your thing! Much love, Meli <3