
Lovely Affair readers, I am happy/sad to announce that Lovely Affair is coming to an end. About 3 weeks ago I updated the second to last chapter. Yes, only one chapter is left. 


@RealHeartFakeLove when will the last chapter of L.A be?


So...just a would you call it? Recap, I would believe. Now, I've been gone for so long, I know, and it's all my fault. Sort of writer's block, more of me genuinely trying to figure out where my life was going. I recently just finished college for medical assisting, and it was hard, seriously, I had to have my A game with me at all times, it was t easy but I learned so much and can now draw blood...legally that is. Also, I was in the hospital, super bad skin infection, the most horrible and painful thing I had ever experienced, and honestly, I was, and still am, having nightmares from that, but no matter what, I will continue my medical career and I will definitely finish Lovely Affair. Expect chapters coming up very, and I mean very, soon. 
          Thank you for your patience, and I am truly sorry. 


Hello, thanks much for adding The Black And White Love to your reading'd very much appreciated. I hope you enjoy reading it. Your votes anf comments are as well welcome. Thanks again! :)


@del_apdul No problem, I hope to get around to it, hopefully today or tomorrow! Thank you so much! 


Love affair will be updated tomorrow, finally. I'm liking this upcoming chapter, I'm sure it will be a good one, hopefully. thank you guys for the amazing support I have received from all of you, there isn't any way I can personally and physically thank you, but please do accept this. 
          messenger me whenever, I'm here to help you cope with any problems.