
Hello Jackie. I'm a big fan of your bondage career and I just stumbled across your writing here. I'm really enjoying CHRISTMAS BOUND. I just finished the last chapter you have written. Are you still writing this story? I'm new on this site so I have figured out how to tell if these stories are old or new.  Anyway take care and I hope you keep writing!


@ClarkBlazek Good Morning! Thank you ! I am glad you like my work. Yes, I am planning on completing this story. I get confused as I get closer to the end of the story and have to go back and reread my work to make sure I don't mix up details. I keep thinking I am going to work on it, but haven't yet. It's part of my process. LOL But, when I do start to work on it again in the near future, I will probably finish it quickly. I have a couple ideas for another story, but I have to finish the one I started before I go on to another on. Thanks for the comments, by the way. I really appreciate the encouragement! 