
Hi guy's I'm writing a new book and the first chapter is up its a 5sos fanfic and it would mean the world to me if you could check it out x ♡♥♡♥♡


Hai i know I said I would write a pókemon fanfic and I am it's just a working progress at the moment so in the meantime I just wrote a little thing about me so you could stalk me a bit more lol im just joking it's just a little bit about myself cus I was bored and I decided to write it :p


Heyyy guy's so like a while ago I posted a thing bout what book I should write next and the one that got the most votes (1 yip i literally only got 1 vote so thanks whoever gave me that (sozzys i forget you username x )cause it would have been alot more embarrassing if i got none xD ) is a .....PÓKEMON FANFIC *screams clapping and a standing ovation* So it's gonna be about the original series pókemon indigo league so I'll post it today or tomorrow love you guy's x p.s I'll try to update double-life soon aswell and I'm also planning a new book that I'll tell you about later ;) x