Sometimes, when you make friends online... You learn something about yourself.
You can build up layers, becoming immune to sadness brought on by a comic or book you read.
And then, when one of your friends is sad... All of those walls come down. You open your heart, and try to make them feel better.
That's why internet friends can be better than real friends. In real life, people don't know how to let their walls down. Or they don't want to.
Online... People will let their walls down. When they hear a friend is sad, they'll go crazy trying to make them feel better.
One will say that you can talk to them, one will try to comfort you... And someone might scream saying they'll hurt whoever's making you sad.
I'm not sad right now. One of my friends is. I won't say who it is to respect her privacy, but I hope she sees this. I'll be the first two.
You're really good at art, you know? I still have a picture you drew from when FNAF was a big thing.
If you want to talk to someone, try out Tumblr. Post some of your things, and talk some... You don't need to let it all out, but talk for a bit.
Someone will notice you. And they might want to help too.
If you need to talk... You'll definitely find someone. :)