
someone please help me omg, okay, ages ago i read this professor Hiddleston fanfic and it was so good but i cant find it anywhere.
          	the parts i can remember were:
          	- the girl worked at a restaurant 
          	- she got sa’d on her way home from work and tom saved her
          	- her and tom got real kinky
          	- they end up killing the guy who sa’d her
          	- there is a detective asking questions abt them
          	- this guy comes in and kinda tries to steal the girl from tom
          	- im pretty sure she goes into a coma or something at the end and professor hiddleston turns out to be her doctor… im not really sure
          	oh and in the chapters there were a bunch of pictures of tom and chris hemsworth (one of the characters).
          	please help someone im begging  


someone please help me omg, okay, ages ago i read this professor Hiddleston fanfic and it was so good but i cant find it anywhere.
          the parts i can remember were:
          - the girl worked at a restaurant 
          - she got sa’d on her way home from work and tom saved her
          - her and tom got real kinky
          - they end up killing the guy who sa’d her
          - there is a detective asking questions abt them
          - this guy comes in and kinda tries to steal the girl from tom
          - im pretty sure she goes into a coma or something at the end and professor hiddleston turns out to be her doctor… im not really sure
          oh and in the chapters there were a bunch of pictures of tom and chris hemsworth (one of the characters).
          please help someone im begging  


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marvel fans, don’t walk. RUN to disney plus if u want to feel pain (spoilers - they put endgame on the front page and idk why it hurt me so much lol)
          the battle of earth literally happens two days before my bday and i’m so excited but also depressed cause nattie and iron daddy will officially be dead. 
          wanda becomes scarlet witch in november which is cool lol
          i have this annual tradition where i watch endgame on new years day and it doesn’t mix well with my sleep deprived dumbass


Okay, so I read The Folk Of The Air books last week and I just want to say that The Ghost is so bloody hot its insane and idek y (Carden, Jude and Vivi are also insanely hot). 
          I just felt like sharing that info with all of u, even though ppl who have read the books prolly know that already


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LMAO I was reading through the stuff I've posted and my fist one was talking abt my friends crush liking this other girl and literally a week later she forced herself into our friendship group and then treated us like shit and we only managed to get rid of her LIKE 2 WEEKS AGO! IT'S BEEN MONTHS ASEJGHAJDHFGJSEHF I HATE HER SO MUCH BUT NOW SHE'S ALL ALONE AND SAD. KARMA'S A BITCH, BITCH. but seriously she was so mean to me


ummmmmm we’re friends again


btw my crush 'hates my guts' for literally no reason. He calls me weird and that he hates sitting next to me AND he says I talk and smile too much. BITCH I NEVER TALK TO YOU UNLESS YOU TALK TO ME FIRST AND EVEN THEN UR THE ONE DOING MOST OF THE TALKING stfu I hate him but I have a bloody crush on him


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Fricken hate life. I have a crush on this one boy in my class but my best friend also has a crush on him and now it feels like I can't like him cus she does too and it would be such a bitchy thing to do if i got with him. also now he has a crush on someone (we don't know who) and i keep teasing her abt it and saying "oooh maybe its you" and stuff like that but in my head i'm like "OMG PLEASE HAVE A CRUSH ON ME"
          kill me.


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shud of got woth him just to spite the abusive cunt (my ‘bsf)