
(Part 3) 
          	I want to finish this 3 part post, by saying thanks once again to each and everyone of you guys and that I’m sorry that I let you guys down. I hope I can redeem myself with the new story that I am writing. Also if you can please follow both of my  Tik Tok accounts: @theanimedude14 and ricardo.diazva. Once again thanks, and hopefully we can start a new journey together with “The American Transfer Student.”


(Part 3) 
          I want to finish this 3 part post, by saying thanks once again to each and everyone of you guys and that I’m sorry that I let you guys down. I hope I can redeem myself with the new story that I am writing. Also if you can please follow both of my  Tik Tok accounts: @theanimedude14 and ricardo.diazva. Once again thanks, and hopefully we can start a new journey together with “The American Transfer Student.”


(Part 2) 
          (To continue from part 1) Now, just because I have stopped writing more Starco stories, does not mean I stopped writing stories in general. I am currently writing a story, that is based off of a dream that I once had, called “The American Transfer Student,” on the web novel app. If you guys loved my Starco stories, I am confident that you guys will definitely love “The American Transfer Student.” You can find the story on my web novel profile: RicardoDiaz14.


(Part 1)
          Hey guys! It’s been awhile hasn’t it? Last time I logged in was on December 15, 2019. This might be a 2-3 part post, so please stay with me here. I would like to start off by saying that, even though I haven’t been on this app since December of last year. I still receive email notifications from you guys commenting on how much you guys love my stories. I want to say thank you to each and everyone of you guys for showing me love and support on my stories, even when I stopped writing. On that note, here is why I’m writing this. No, I’m not coming back to write more Starco Stories. I’m sorry, but I did not like how Disney ruined the season finale for Star vs. They rushed it, instead of developing the story more, and because of that I boycotted on writing anymore Starco stories. I’m sorry it ended this way, but blame it on Disney.


When will you update your Starco story? It's been long since you published


I am no longer writing Starco stories. I’m sorry. After what Disney did to the season finale, which they rushed and did not give it enough time to develop, I decided to stop writing Starco Stories. Now, I haven’t stopped writing stories completely. I’m currently writing a story on a different app called web novel. My profile is: RicardoDiaz14. I you loved my Starco stories, I am pretty sure you’ll love the new story that I am currently writing. It already has 2 chapters published, and chapter 3 will be published on Saturday.


I’m sorry guys I know I promised the sequel to A Very Mewni Christmas, but as you can see I left Star vs The Future unfinished because I lost the motivation to write Star vs the forces of evil stories. It’s not that I’m not a fan anymore, because I’ll always be a SVTFOE fan, but  it’s just after the series ended, I’ve moved on and started watching anime and I grew a fond to it, but it was thanks to the animation of SVTFOE that pushed me towards watching anime. Also, I’ve been in a relationship since the beginning of summer, and that took up most of my time. I also had a job that had me working at 3 A.M. to unload the merchandise from the truck and restock the store. Plus, as some of you know, I also play baseball and attend college. I know this may sound like excuses, but I’ve been so overwhelmed that I couldn’t keep up with the stories and lost interest. This will be my last post here on Wattpad. Thank you so much for reading and liking A Very Mewni Christmas and Apart. I really do appreciate it.