
I'm digging through my phone history right now because am looking for a specific fanfic I want to read and I can't find it
          	I'll let you all know when... if I find it


I'm digging through my phone history right now because am looking for a specific fanfic I want to read and I can't find it
          I'll let you all know when... if I find it


Couldn't find it
            By any chance has any one read a semi x shirabu x goshiki band au, it was a smut with plot, am pretty sure it was on Archiveofourown, I could be wrong on that part. If so do you remember what it's called?


Am having a gender crisis yall
          I think a may be nonbinary and am just like •-• 
          This ain't cool yall


            -insert "first time?" meme here-
            no but seriously, the way i found out my gender (nonbianary) was just finding what i liked. And im that type of person with long hair who wears a suit and you cant tell if they're a boy or girl. (im not joking, my friends got into a debate about it right before i came out)
            I mean, i din't like being adressed as a male or female, or having to go with the gender norms of each.
            And there are always the handful of people who start questioning something and nothing changes. 
            So just try and see what gender fits you best fam, and know there are THOUSANDS of people who have done this and can help you along the way.


Hey love thank you so much for adding "22 Letters" to your reading list! 
          With love,


@taramiles_ am going to start the second one soon, I have a feeling its going to be just as good


@Reallyyall thank you for reading! It made my day❤️


@taramiles_ thank you for writing that, I just finished it. Absolutely loved it


Gender is so over rated thou. You have to find something that feels right and then it might not feel right afterwards.
          I'm just going to start introducing myself as  a mass entity who is here to help the human race but yall can call me by my name and my pronouns are they/them.


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@Reallyyall Mood, I'm also tired of this shit


@Reallyyall ive just been saying im either a fry of a perhaps


this message may be offensive
@-Bokuaka_Lovechild- I feel that, at the moment I think I'm pangender and  am just like throw me out the window, am tired of this shit


Alright yall I am here to rain upon you love and affection ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ (if you need any later please let me know)


@-Bokuaka_Lovechild- thank you, I need some


@Reallyyall Heres some love and affection for you: ❤❤❤❤ (–owo)–


Can yall give me some promts please? Thank you


@MortalFry431 Thank you? Some of these are insane but I appreciate it, mind you most of them sound like facts


@Reallyyall so here u go:
            January 13 is international dress up your pet day
            colorado oysters aren't made of oysters
            theres a chance of up to 4 rat hairs being in your peanut butter
            salt water takes 10 minutes do drown you (that salt must be painful)
            the chocolate river in willy wonka was actually made of chocolate
            skittles arent flavored differently, they just smell differently
            Twix is a conjunction for Twin Sticks
            october is the US national pizza month
            a group of cats are called a clowder
            when hippos are upset, their sweat turns red (boss music plays in the background)
            the person who invented the Frisbee was cremated and turned into Frisbees after he died
            bikinis and tampons were invented by men
            there is a species of butterfly called the luna butterfly which doesn't have a mouth or digestive system, and its instincts include just mating
            if you starve your body will eat its own muscle tissue in attempt to survive
            it takes about 950 pounds to crush a lego
            if the sun exploded we wouldn't know for a full 8 minutes
            smelling bananas and green apples can help u lose weight
            when we think of apple we think red, but when we think of apple flavored we think green
            if you drop liquor on a squorpion, it will go INSANE
            if you keep a gold fish in a dark room, it will turn white
            so will humans
            flamingos are pink due to the amount of shrimp they eat- their milk is pink too!
            Catgirls are biologically possible to create
            Barbie and Ken split up after 43 years together


@MortalFry431 any and all please