@Reaper_of_skulls im making him one of the lost primarchs he was a space marine for a 100 years then a 100 years before the heresy he got pulled in to a portal to the original doom games dimension and was reborn into William blazkowicz he didnt remember he was from the 40k dimension until he got to the doom 2016/eternal dimension he does what he does in the two games and won against heaven and hell but because the icon of sin was still on earth it destroyed the galaxy before that happened he found a way back to the 40k dimension and took humans from the doom 2016/eternal dimension with him thoses humans had evidence about what the slayer did and what he was, thoses humans showed the evidence to everyone in 40k dimension the slayer was still considered a space marine but kept his doom eternal armor but when he got to the 40k dimension he grew taller then what he was when he was a 40k space marine he was 10ft before he was reborn but because he became a god he grew to 17ft and his armor and weapons got bigger, to fit him, he got back to the 40k dimension 10 years before the heresy some of the humans from the doom 2016/eternal dimension became space marines and became his legion, him and his legion became traitors because they saw how corrupt the imperium became but they didn't worship the choas gods the doom slayers legion and the solar system they control worship him(the doom slayer), alos in the story the god emperor wakes up and can walk around and survive