
Sorry for the long hiatus, I've been very busy with other arts and school. I might post a little less of B.E. since im scripting other stories as well. Thank you all who still read these story and have a nice day!


Heyy! As you could have seen if anyone did saw.. If that makes sense? I started a new story! Now you are probably not asking yourself what's gonna happen to Youngflam. Well don't you worry your beautiful little faces, I'm going to be working on both "Snow Owls" and "Great Elders" at the same time! Yay!!! So you'll get double the stories for twice the price! And you know what zero times two is?! ITS ZERO!!! SO ITS THE SAME PRICE!!! Isn't math cool? Anyways by all the silly stuff aside I really hope you enjoy both books. Thank you to everyone and anyone who has supported me this far! Any thank you readers for at least trying to read how terrible my work is. Till then.


Hello all! Sorry I haven't posted a lot, I've been super busy these past few days because of school and work. I will try to post some more later as well once I get more time I swear it! But for the time being I will give you as much content as I can make. Also I have a Twitch and a YouTube now! So follow/subscribe to me at ReasonableHeir, both my Twitch and YouTube account. See you later
          ~Snapp (ReasonableHeir)