
Why do i stay up the night before im doing something?? Lile im waking up two hours earlier than usual and going to sleep 1 hour later tf


Sooo every once in a while (whenever im following 1k people) imma go through random accounts to see whose been active the last two months and unfollow others. Gotta keep it fresh and its such a relief to unfollow people who haven't been active since 2015 you don't even understand 


hi, i'm your 300th follower now loll. so I saw your comments on some stories and you seem like a super sweet person and i just want to make a new friend :) if you're up for it pm me or hit up my insta! thankssss 


@superseavey omagawd thank you i will do that but i dont get notifications on here  ill messeg yu tho


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Hello fren! Thx for following! Message if you wamt to talk, becuz I dont really have frens who message me, so plz do the honor!
          P. S. This was made at 6 in the morning becuz I was netflixing all night, so excuse the bad shit above 


@Rebalyx5 yas! I have snapchat (candylover1089) and Instagram (otakubatgirl1089, singingchannel.isuck, and mochichannel1089) . its cuz I have pretty much no life and almost no frens. But ur my fren now!!!


@kawaiipotato1089 haha its fine i have sight troubles and text like that often. Got any social media because wattpad private messages suck


I'm so sorry for not being active. I've been netflixing and youtubin for the past few weeks and also going through a lot of stress but im working on some stuff and dont want you all to think i died or forgot about wattoad or anything. Love ya!