
hit 1k reads!! Love you guys :)


Managed to upload 2 new chapters guys! Thats good for me haha XD any feedback is appreciated as always - the story is getting rather fast paced now, all the twists and turns are near ;) If anyone would like to hazard a guess then by all means comment on the relevant chapter! :) xxx


Let me just say that you being a pole fitness person is awesome!! I can barely do a pull-up. Scratch that, I can't do a pull-up.


Haha thank you!! Its the most amazing thing!! Pole and writing are my 2 biggest passions :) :) you should give it ago, you build up strength so quick :) x


Thank you so much for the Follow! 
          (You support United? Does that mean you live near Manchester, like me? =P)
          Good luck on your dream of publishing! I know the feeling! ^__^ 


@LeannePSmith   Aww :( ooh  I see il have to have a look at it :) yeaa figures are harder! Once I've drawn the outline and got the right placement on the page drawing detail and shading is easier, but it takes me aaaaages to do the basic outline ha it's challenging! I love drawing so much it's so therapeutic but writing will always be number one :D xx


@beckiiloveschris I've been playing around with drawing my own covers for a long time, but they never turn out how I want =( I have a DA account, and I'm considering putting more of my stuff up so that my account isn't just sitting idle. I always get inspired when I look through the work on that site. Some of it's truly amazing! 
            Ooooh. I go through phases of being able to draw people. Faces are no problem, but full figures? Much harder, especially making them fluid and NOT stiff =P


@LeannePSmith  ohh haha nevermind then I was wondering if you were a libra like me ha! Aw that's awesome, drawing the scenes would be well cool you should like draw your own cover l! I prefer sketching haha I like the whole shading part :P noo I like to do life drawing, preferably people :) I went through a phase of drawing day of the dead woman which was soo fun cz of all the make up and patterns on their faces n stuff haha :) no I don't have one but I've thought about getting one :) xx


@ghostwritethewhip haha no problemo! Im interested in reading your story haha, I skimmed the first chapter but I'm going to read it properly after Ive finished writing my new chapter lol :) i loved your post on the 'cliche' discussion, it was so true! aw thank you :D ooh you and your friend should defo take it up! its veryyy addictive, and even if you did fall on your head they have crashmats hahaha :P xx