@Rebecca742000 Got Objected Drippings ARC 2….
The best thing that can happen to me is death with many options to chose from.
Complete List of my survivability check of the listed:
JBK BFDI TF SAGA ARC 1;Unless Wilma automatically adds you to her TF list, it’s just going to feel like visiting a new town.The most likely to survive
JBK BFDI TF SAGA ARC 2:Be weary of TF triggers & stay away from Edward at all cost.Chances aren’t great but, YOU were never intended to be here so you have a better chance then you think.
JBK BFDI TF SAGA ARC 3:Just stay away from the duo of evil, Leshie & Trish at all cost & don’t get affiliated with a victim. You should be fine if you follow those rules
JBK BFDI TF SAGA ARC 4:The worst potential odds out of the BFDI TF SAGA ARCs. Mallory would immediately have her attention draw to you with as you weren’t a participant of the simulation.It quite possible she puts you on trial for the claim of inference then transforms you or transforms you without trial.By far the least likely to survive
JBK BFDI TF SAGA ARC 5:You can survive quite easily, run away from Deerville as fast as you can or hide in a spot until your stay is over
JBK TRANSFORMATION INSANITY:Same thing as ARC 4.You weren’t intended for the “experiment” and would likely be transformed out of fear of being a saboteur.
OBJECTED DRIPPINGS ARC 1:One, BFDI TF ARC 4 syndrome strikes back.Two, you wouldn’t be transformed because you don’t have the bracelet that cause that type of behavior in the ROBs.You are ****ed but, at least you aren’t transformed most likely.
OBJECTED DRIPPINGS ARC 3:Hide in a house & pray you don’t found by a ROB.If spawn in the wilderness, pray that a bear or a wolf finds you first.VERY bad odds if in the forest.Better odds but not, good odds in a house.
WELCOME TO CYAN-CROSS FOREST:9/10 you are transformed by ROBs & 1/10 you are killed by ROBs yeah…
POLLEN,SLEEPYS SPRUNKI TF SAGA, & JBK THURSDAY NIGHT aren’t included because I haven’t seen them yet