@RebeccaHninHnin hmm~ it's looks pretty complicated but i can say is
More than escaping from the dream, try to escape from reality by living in your dream. It's virtual or not. But one thing. Don't forget turn your virtuality of dream into your own reality. I know it can difficult, confusing, emotionfull or not and also it can take awhile to achieve that stage but just believe.in.youself.and.your.dreams.
Everything happens around us, we could stop something and some can't. But if we want to do, we do both of that. So whoever,whatever says.... just don't give up. Survive it. Like you alemways do until now. Keep it up. Really you two choose to decide.
1. Escape your dreams and regret after you realizes something.
2.Escape the reality and go wherever your heart wants. Well you can regret too while in some places in yourjourney but once your reach the stage i told you the regrets would turn into magic.
Anyways you will sacrifice at least ssomething in your life ways
But sacrifice something WISELY.
So~ yeah tragic or magic??
Let me hear your heart's answer.