If I am going to do this, you need to know that there was a time in my life when being a journalist was all I wanted. Then the dream was shattered by idiocy and things that were beyond my control. It did not matter. I have done many things since I was the Editor of the UNI paper, I was the girl that brought in collections to be gawked at by people that knew less than I did about a lot of different things. But damn they could look at books. I tried to bring in cars, this was pre giant car auctions. Yeah that took off right after they said no. And *I* am the moron. Anyway, nothing I have ever done has been right. So I stopped. I guess I just got sick of the failures and being spoken to like I was 5. And while all this was going on, I had another exacerbation of MS - they told me only to go if I had to. I was shaking and could not see. I chose the hospital over the auction gallery. I mean this is Iowa and it was not like I was working at Sotheby's or Christie's. So I was sort of stuck. I had to go down to University Hospital's so they could stick, prick, poke and prod me. I let my husband do that for a cupcake from Scratch bakery. No cupcakes? Damn it IS going to be a long week. So I am on the verge of 40 now. Married with Chekov and Mouser.They make fewwer demands. Scratch the right place and they purr...at least Chekov does. If I have food, Mouser starts purring very loudly as if to say: hey babe. put that plate down and I will clean it. I worked as a front desk bimbo at the Holiday Inn. Everyone there had a pilot and they were his local lay. Not me. I got hit on middle aged guys that worked for John Deere. I always gave them extra drink tickets. I loved that job. The hours were set and I knew where I was going....to class. Things got interesting when I had a breast reduction and my prof came in....his American Express card had his name as HOMER!! I fell down behind the desk laughing my ass off and his first name was HOMER?The man was a god, and I a casual worshipper
  • Waterloo, Iowa
  • Üye olduMay 25, 2012