
I'd like to see you write out a book so all the authors that your pissing off could read it and swear at you. Please do not read anymore of my books and you might want to lay off on others. Maybe you should go to school and learn respect because you clearly haven't heard the word before. Polite might be another. Us authors care about each other, @vulturemonem is a wonderful author just to name one and we don't like how your running through our Wattpad sites commenting like you are. If you don't like the books your reading by us then don't read them.


@vulturemonem THANK YOU! I already reported this person to Wattpad HQ. This person made me feel awful about my books and she won't get away with it. I will not tolerate this cyber bully anymore. Respect is everything and this person has not earned it or learned what it means.


I honestly don't get it. You spent months commenting on one of my books, and I enjoyed your comments. They were blunt, and you swore, sure, but it was a book targeted specifically at an adult audience, so that's fine. Your comments were sharp, and they made me laugh. But your comments on some of my other books were plain rude, and some of the comments I've seen you leaving on other people's works are plain disgusting. We, as authors, spend hours and hours, days and weeks and months and sometimes years working on a story. It doesn't matter if it's not perfect. Wattpad is not a professional publishing house. Constructive criticism is welcomed, and helpful, and any author who doesn't want to have readers politely suggest things they could do to improve is, imo, completely crazy. But your comments aren't constructive, they're just horrible. So please, good god, take a step back, and have a little perspective. You can say you didn't like a story, for whatever reason, but BE NICE ABOUT IT! Be constructive! Be helpful! Be kind! We're all human beings, and we've all got feelings, so please, respect them.


Thank you, @SydneyAdams3 . And amen to that. The comments you left on my works, Rebecca, were significantly less awful than things you've been leaving on other people's recently. Going through someone's book and commenting about a character being a 'slút' every chapter is horrible. Calling anybody something that abhorrent is disgusting, and leaving it on a website where there's an enormous number of kids? Kids, as in, people who aren't even teenagers, people who are young teenagers, who should not be exposed to a) that kind of language or b) that vile way of thinking. A woman is NOT a slūt just because she has lots of sēx, or because she has a friends-with-benefits relationship, and honestly? If you really think that, you've either been horrible indoctrinated, and you need to educate yourself, or this is a spam account, or you're angry, or depressed, and your taking your feelings out on other people over the Internet by ruthlessly and horribly insulting their stories and their characters—in neither a constructive, nor a polite, manner. I don't know why you think that just because you're sitting behind a screen and nobody can see your face, you've got some untouchable right to go around behaving like this without repercussions, but, news flash, you haven't. People are going to call you out, and people are going to block you.


Hey there,
          I just wanted to offer you some advice (and I can see that others have tried to do the same, but I'll add my two cents). 
          You've been commenting on my stories for months. I've LOVED your sharp comments on 'Emerging Swan' -- you've made me snort, because I couldn't tell that, most of the time, your comments, while somewhat excessive in the swearing, were all in good humour, and you were perfectly polite when I replied to you, and you then replied to me. (And, honestly, I swear so much in my books that it would be incredibly hypocritical of me to comment on that. Side note, though -- I completely understand that some authors don't like it. And that's their right. My stories are targeted at an older audience. They're about more mature topics. Other people target their books at a wider audience, where excessive swearing in the comments sections should be avoided. You can tell from the tone of the book whether it's a more mature book, or suitable for younger readers, too. Try to gear your comments accordingly.)
          However, you read another of my books, recently. And I wasn't impressed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended, but the tone of your comments was less than stellar. I replied to several, and, frankly, it took me a while to recognise who you were. You've never left me comments like that before, but, clearly, it's something you do quite often to other authors. And it's not okay. It is not okay to be rude to people who put their time into writing. Criticise, yes, but in a kind, constructive manner. Your comments aren't helpful. At all. They're harmless but fairly useless at best, and downright offensive at worst. I've scrolled through some of the comments you've left other people. 'She deserves the slap' -- really? A protagonist deserves to be physically assaulted? Do you realise how offensive those sorts of comments are to people? Especially people who have been victims of physical assault. 


That was just an example, but please, please think about what you're saying, and who you're saying it to, and try to tailor your comments to the people who will read it. Be constructive. Be kind. And ABSOLUTELY do not start insulting my readers. I didn't mind your other comments, but calling a (young) teenager 'stupid' when they weren't even addressing you was unnecessary. 
            I've enjoyed reading your comments on my latest book, but your comments recently on my other book had a very different tone to them, and, clearly, I'm not the only author who's felt this way. @kindofdauntless and @iSillySkittleluvv are both authors I follow, and well respected in their own rights. I've worked with the latter, and she's an amazing author and a lovely person. Don't be so quick to judge -- especially not on things written years ago. You've got a criticism? Tell us! Authors love to know how to improve! But be nice! Be constructive! Be kind! Get passionate, but don't swear if the book doesn't contain any swearing, because the author probably won't appreciate. If there's swearing in the book, you're more likely to get away with a bit of cursing in your comments. But keep it civil. 
            Bottom line: criticism is fine, but it should be constructive. Rudeness is not. Rudeness directed at me is something I'm happy to laugh at, but rudeness directed at my readers is something I will take much more seriously.
            Lucy xX


I've noticed I'm not the first to dislike your comments. I love getting feedback, it means a lot to me but there's a difference between constructive criticism and down right rude. Not only towards me, but towards my other readers which I am definitely not alright with. 
          These stories are FICTIONAL which means they aren't real - in case you forgot. They don't have to be realistic which means not everything I, or anyone else, writes is going to be the same as real life situations. 
          You can give constructive feedback whilst remaining kind and respectful. Until then, I would much appreciate it if you didn't leave any sort of comments under my chapters. It isn't you simply writing what you feel, it's just you being nasty. 
          If you don't like it, don't read it. If it isn't realistic enough for you, go and read non-fiction stories instead. There's no room for negativity in life.


I have utmost respect for everyone. I'm only judging you by what you're saying to me and what I'm getting from that is disrespect. I've told you I'm not trying to be horrible and I've also been very polite so that is most definitely about as much respect as I can give you. The other important thing about respect is that you have to earn it and you're not doing a very good job of that. I'm sorry to hear that you don't go to school as I wish you would since that would probably be what's best for you - as it is for me. You haven't disappointed me, you've just proved what I already know ... people don't know how to treat other people right. 


•I wouldn't know what teachers think because I don't go to school   and I couldn't really careless 
            •I overuse swearing all the time because that's how I get my anger out, I don't know any other way. (Sorry to disappoint you)
            •I don't have respect to people now?? You couldn't be more wrong. Well I could say the same about you, because what you're saying to me has very little respect. You're judging me by what I write (I have no respect, I act like a ten year old, etc) 
            •I know my words hurt, that's how you keep people away, I'm.not.stupid. But for the nth time


It's not that you don't write correctly because of swearing, it's just that it's often unnecessary. Correct, teachers wouldn't tell you what to write - they would advise you what to write and I'm sure it wouldn't include swearing. I have no problem with swearing, I swear - most people swear. It just doesn't have to be overused.
            I know everyone is different but everyone should be respectful and to be honest, you seem to have very little respect for people you don't know. I'm sure a bully would say the same; that they would know if they were hurtful. Perhaps you don't realise how much your words can hurt someone, even if you don't think they should 


Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I did not like some of your comments on my story, The Lonely Boy.  I did write it when I was twelve going on thirteen and I know that it's not my best work but it was one of my first. Saying things like 'this is pathetic' is not okay and I want you to know that. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but you shouldn't say things like that.


At least I'm not writing fake comments. I right what I feel and that's that. I'm sorry if you don't like it or it comes across rude but that's just me 