
I'm sorry to announce this, but I must. This account, will no longer be an account next year and here's why: Next year, I'll will be graduating, and the email I used is my school email, and my school email will disappear once I graduate, which means, this account, will probably be gone. This means, my account will be moved to another Rebecca Avila account, but don't worry, that account will have all my stories again, just rewritten, which is why it's been so long since I've posted. So, this is goodbye.


@EnergeticWriter2020 It's up. Just click on this profile.


I'm sorry to announce this, but I must. This account, will no longer be an account next year and here's why: Next year, I'll will be graduating, and the email I used is my school email, and my school email will disappear once I graduate, which means, this account, will probably be gone. This means, my account will be moved to another Rebecca Avila account, but don't worry, that account will have all my stories again, just rewritten, which is why it's been so long since I've posted. So, this is goodbye.


@EnergeticWriter2020 It's up. Just click on this profile.


Hello everyone, it has indeed been a while. My hotspot is finally back, and while I try to make up for all the times I've sadly missed updates, I want you guys to at least check out my Quotev account. There I have some Harry Potter fanfictions, I only have one for now, but at least give it some love. It's called Albus and Scorpius: A Regretful Time Travel. For some reason, if you can't find it, then search my username Rebecca65647, and it should be the first one. Make sure to follow me, and love my stories!


Roses are red
          Violets are blue,
          I was looking for a friend 
          And I found you! 
          Post this to the profile of 3 new friends you've made on Wattpad !


            Roses are red
            Violets are blue,
            I read this text
            And I too love you!


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Well, since Corona is being a bitch, and my state Oregon canceled school, I can't use the school's internet to update, and now people are debating to close down restaurants, bars and stores, which my nearby gas station is where I get internet to update, and with all of this going on, I may not be able to update anything until March 31, which is when we can all go back to school, but that's the end of Spring Break. And with these two weeks of school absence it's going to cut into our summer time, so, yeah. I hope you guys are taking this illness lightly, don't panic, if you think everyone is overreacting, I agree. I believe people are crying, overreacting white bitches and are taking this thing too far than it needs to be. ALSO, nobody can group with over 200 people so if they cancel all stores, then I don't know how everyone is going to get food. And if they say a public gathering, then they're dumb because if they say to not gather too much people in one space without a certain distance, then they just want people to get sick and die. Yeah, I honestly don't know at this point, I just got over a cold and I'm trying to update as much as I can but with all this, I don't think it's going to be possible. You guys just relax and don't get too freaked about this illness. It's just the flu. People get it, people die. I just wish that we could take this easier but, things aren't supposed to be that way I guess. I love you guys. Bye bye.


Umm.... Turns out I made chapter four for the Disappearance of Annie Leonhardt a bit too long, almost to the point that I won't be able to edit it, or finish it today. That's my fault. I'm sorry. But since tomorrow is Lafayette x Carly smuts, and since they're shorter it'll be easier to edit and post. I'm sorry again, for the lack of updates, Sunday was the only day so far, but hopefully tomorrow will be the same, and finally the story I've been waiting for Titan Royal, and to clear things, Titan Royal is NOT connected to Titan Diaries to anyway, so there will be no spoilers. Again, I'm sorry, it's my fault for making the chapter long and this. Again, I'm sorry.


Sorry for no updates, I'm trying to catch up on my own writing since it's been so long so when I continue the story will make since once it's uploaded. But tomorrow, I promise you that there will be Titan Royal. If that doesn't happen, then comment below what you want my punishment to be.
          Love y'all
          -Becca ❤