
Hey guys! Sorry for my long hiatus. I’m better than ever, and I’m taking requests now!! Star Wars, Legos, anything!! 


@RebelGirl0105 Do you think you can continue your Legends of Chima story?


Hey I was ready your one shot story thing of Ezra and kannan and I have to say I love it and I heard of ur writers block that is the worst right? And if u are having trouble with thinking of one I kinda have an idea like what if kannan and Ezra got into an argument and something happened that made them have a freaky Friday situation lol. That would be hilarious . I hope ur having a good day btw love ur stories ❤️ 


Heya There I Was Reading One Of Your Chima Stories And I Really Like It ^w^
          Right Now I Was Creating A Story Of My Own And Called Legends Of Chima: Tales Of The Darkness.
          Just Wanted To Know What Stories You Might Make -w-
          Have A Nice Day! ^^


Hey guys! Sorry for my long hiatus. I’m better than ever, and I’m taking requests now!! Star Wars, Legos, anything!! 


@RebelGirl0105 Do you think you can continue your Legends of Chima story?


Love your profile! Those quotes are so amazing! I've always loved the first one ever since the moment I heard Kanan say it in the trailer. And also (you don't have to if you don't want to) I have a SWR fanfiction and if you would read it and give me feedback I would be so appreciative! But you don't have it if you don't have time/don't want to. Have a nice day. :)