
Yall I'm slightly mega freaking out the author of one of my favorite books just dedicated a chapter to me!!! I know it's a small thing but I don't think yall understand  how much life @gossamersilverglow and v for Virgin give me. I also feel inspired to pick back up Dear Adielia, My Rose and continue working!!!! 


GUESS WHAT WATTPAD?!??! I'm going on a mission trip to Fiji next week!!!!  I think really good experience for me AND the people I'm going to help. I will  be working with the children at night and in an eye clinic during the day. If you want more info, pm me here on Wattpad or check out my page at have a wonderful day!


You're a bloody legend! Love you, gorgeous. Xo. <3 


@jaysarmy OMG i just completely fangirled around my house!!! Thank you soo much!! your books give me life. I will try my best to support you on Radish.  I started writing a book so I can understand just a little of what you are going through.  Don't let the haters get to you, you are doing so amazing!!!!