
Maaf numpang bc><
          Hai semuanya, gimana kabarmu hari ini?
          Hari gini masih galau, sedih, badmood, mikirin dia yang tak mikirin kamu, dan masih suka stalking akun mantan/doi.
          Udahlah jangan di mikirin yang sudah berlalu,
          Dan jangan mikirin yang tidak pasti.
          Aku mau rekomendasi kan buat kalian semua.
          Ayo mampir dulu ke lapak aku
          Di sini terdapat kumpulan puisi, sajak, motivasi, quotes, creepypasta.
          Siapa tau setelah baca sedih, galau, badmood kalian lebih membaik.
          Setelah baca jangan lupa memberi vote & comment ya:)
          Dan jangan lupa follow ya. Follback? Dm aja:)
          Owh iya, jika kalian ingin mengirim quotes, puisi, sajak bisa juga ya
          "Kirim nya ke mna kak"
          Send nya ke Wa aja, 089516288928
          Aku tunggu kehadiran kalian. Luv you all ♡´.
          Klik link nya di bawah sini ya ⤵⤵


I know you in real life #stop_abusing_your_husband


Look on your profile feed


Look on your post man


Seeking *****


Hello RT~~ After reading your profile, I came to the comnclusion that you may just be as eccentric and astute as myself from a literary slant. It's refreshing just to read someone's bio who uses a modicum of elevated vocabulary. Having imparted this compliment, I'll thank you for adding "The Last Nymph" to your list and suggest just for a literary hoot my short story "The Magician's Tongue: A Parable." Some have suggested it's nothing more than porn written in all SAT words . . .  :)
          Well, maybe it is. If you take out the elevated vocabulary, literary allusions and whimsical devices, you do sort of get what the story is about—something we girls are too ashamed to say we adore under the right conditions (yeah, that).
          Enjoy and I hope we stay in touch.