
@jamilla_ Nothing much. Just finished un-packing my stuff. I moved house and am feeling very homesick at the mo, sadly, but I'll survive, I'm sure.
          	What's up for you?


          I know! The money will aid me in enjoying myself!
          Yes, she's a sad person. I don't even know how she can revise a syllabus that she hasn't even learnt yet, but she's liberated her older sister's ALevel books and is pouring over them. The girl needs help.
          Riding? Do you mean on a bike...or horse? I can't ride a bike. 
          I wish I could, instead I've been running around the house chasing him with Calamine Lotion. *sigh*


Moved house?
          Fun, fun...did you moved across a state/ the country?
          O f course you'll survive, but it might not feel like it for a while esp if you moved across the country ( i think).
          At that particular moment in time...I I can't remember what I was doing.......
          But now..I'm just being my usual chatty self and wattpad surfing :)


@dipsyz Enjoy yourself? Earn a lot of money, and then enjoy yourself :P
          Oh, wow, really? Upon finishing her GCSE's, she's now revising for her A levels?! Why would she do such a terrible thing?
          I know :'( It's raining right now, and I couldn't go riding, which just breaks my heart. Awww hahah!! Just run arounnd your house screaming "OH, THE HUMANITY!"
          @jamilla_ Hello =).


          Really? I told my friend that I was planning on getting a job and she just tutted at me, and told me to enjoy myself. 
          But of my other friends is revising for ALevel next year. I pity that girl.
          My summer is actually going alright. I was planning to go out more, to parks, but it's just raining so much. And now, my brother decides to catch chicken pox.